Consultation and Public Exhibition

We are keen to engage with the local community and as part of our pre-application consultation we hosting a public exhibition in the local area on Tuesday 18 March 2025. This will allow us to share more information about the project and to enable people to provide us with their feedback. 

Our team will be on hand to answer any questions and comment forms will available to gather feedback.

Tuesday 18 March

2pm - 7pm

Pitsea Mount Community Association Hall, Brackendale Ave, Pitsea, SS13 3BD


All information provided during the public exhibition will also be available on this webpage from 18 March 2025.

The online exhibition initiates a consultation period being run by RES to gather comments on the proposal. The closing date for comments is Friday 28 March 2025. Comments will still be accepted after this date but may not be considered in relation to the design development. 

Comment forms will be available on this website from Tuesday 18 March.

Please note that comments submitted to RES at this time are not representations to the determining authority (Basildon Council). There will be an opportunity to submit representations to the determining authority should an application be made.