Please feel free to contact a member of the team using the contact details below.
Jenna Folkard
Jenna is the Project Manager for the Fairgreen Battery Energy Storage System proposal. Jenna can be contacted on +44 7823 340 304 or by email to
Milo Amsbury-Savage
Milo is the Development Project Manager for the Fairgreen Battery Energy Storage System. Milo can be contacted on
Rebecca Randall
Rebecca is the Community Relations Manager for the Fairgreen Battery Energy Storage System and manages the local engagement. Rebecca can be contacted on 07468 486974 or by email to
Sam Murgatroyd
Sam is the Stakeholder Engagement Manager for RES’ renewable energy projects across the UK & Ireland and is the main contact for media enquiries. Sam can be contacted on 07747 017 255 or by email to
Fairgreen BESS Team, RES, Beaufort Court, Egg Farm Lane, Kings Langley, WD4 8LR
Renewable Energy Systems Limited
Company No. 1589961
Registered in England and Wales
Registered Office address: Beaufort Court, Egg Farm Lane, Kings Langley, WD4 8LR
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Electronic service and delivery of legal proceedings and notices is not permitted. No e-mail address of RES Limited or any of its employees may be used for such service or delivery, which must be done in hard copy to the company's registered office.